Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Peace and Quiet OVER

One moment, my house was very quiet, Just Samantha and me. Then one by one, the balance of them come through the door from a day of school. Jordan(my 8 year old) is telling me in one ear about a girl at daycare telling her that she shakes her butt to much when she is doing her cheer dance. In my other ear, Madeline(my 6 year old) is telling me about a house for sale right next to Jenna(her friend) and can we buy it? And lastly, Sarah(my 2 year old) is just standing in front of me saying "momma, hi. momman, hi. momma, hi" Meanwhile, in the background, Samantha(my other 2 year old) is still jumping up and down. "sissee home, sissee home!" Which isn't specific to any one of them... she calls all of them sissee!
Onward to a new day and off to work i go today.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just another day in Paradise

Puke paradise that is. I've come to learn that with 4 kids, sickness is inevitable, and really, i should be thankful that it doesn't happen nearly as often as one would think. I have to thank the fact that my kids have been daycare kids since 12 weeks and their little immune systems are nice and built up. Occasionally though, we get hit with the current virus going around. This time, it's that nasty stomach thing. The other thing that seems to happen is that when one 2 year old gets it, the other will follow suit within 12 to 24 hours. We get a trial run and by the time the other gets it, we are pros!
Well, today - i get to stay home from work and spend some quality cuddle time with Samantha, while all the other's got shipped to school or daycare. What a shame that it sometimes takes a child being sick to realize how little one on one time you get to spend with them and although she isn't feeling well, i love that i get her all to myself today - undivided attention!