Tuesday, April 21, 2009


On the way home from picking up the girls from Daycare, we came across a rainbow. It was so bright and looked like we could just reach out the car window and grab it. Madeline just FREAKED out. She was SO excited. I really can't remember the last time i saw her so genuinely excited about something. Sarah and Samantha were in awe. Sarah had her brows crossed just studying it. Samantha kept screaming "bow, bow" and Jordan was busy texting dad about what a big bright rainbow was in the sky.
Boy - what a great ride home!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rainy Monday

Most people bitch about the rain. Really? Yes, it makes every driver out there all of a sudden forget how to drive, but you know, it is April and if we all want to see those pretty flowers and green grass that we will bitch about having to cut all summer long, then suck it up. :)
I am celebrating tonight. Celebrating the fact that Samantha has not gotten out of bed ONE single time. It truly is amazing. She usually will come to the gate at her door AT LEAST 10 times each night. "Momma, sarah's sleeping" "Momma, my finger hurts." "Momma, woosh, woosh" "Momma, rock me like a baby" Tonight - NOTHING. ahhhh....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Samantha is Miss Gabby

Samantha really has started talking ALOT lately. blab, blab, blab, blab. It's so cute, however, she ALWAYS wants to talk. Anyway, she has pink eye right now and Greg put drops in her eyes. She walked around for 10 minutes after the drops... My eyes broken, My eyes broken. Sarah has an ear infection, so Samantha made sure to tell us that Sarah's ear was broken also.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Are they really potty trained??

Sarah and Samantha have gone 3 days without any accidents. I am actually pretty impressed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but they are now telling me when they have to go, instead of me asking them every 30 minutes.... YEAH!

Oh, and here are a few Easter pictures of all of them!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Jordan is so grown up

So, those of you that know us, personally, know that for an 8 year old, Jordan is tall and you also know that she gets that from her dad. I was hugging her in the bathroom the other day and looked in the mirror and can't believe that she comes up to my chin. Looking at her and me in the reflection of the mirror made me realize that she isn't a little girl anymore and is growing up, faster than i can keep up with her. I remember the day she was born like yesterday.. it seems as if time has stood still, but sure enough, 8 years and 3 more kids have gone by. I find myself thinking about my childhood every time i look at her and how one day, she will hopefully think good thoughts about her childhood when she is looking at her kids.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Grandparents Visit

Today, i got kicked out of my house, with the kids, so my husband could work on crown molding and painting in our main living area. I took the opportunity to head to my mother in laws and then to my parents(they live about 90 minutes from us and about 20 minutes from each other). Sarah and Samantha went back to the Blue room for naptime. Granny and I thought it best to take the mattress off the bed and onto the floor, tucked them in and left - i went to check on them some 10 minutes later to see that they had emptied alot of Granny's jewelry from her jewelry tower! they were in their glory!
Here are just a few pictures of the day....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Madeline's obession with the middle finger

So, this seems to have stemmed from some kids on her bus, because even though i have a bit of a potty mouth, I don't flip the bird. Anyway, Madeline says to me last night "Mom, my friend told me that you will go to the Devil if you put up your middle finger, is she right?" I used this as my opportunity to snuff this middle finger crap and told her yes. Boy, i was NOT expecting what happened next. Down to the ground she goes, freaking out. I say, "madeline, have you been putting up your middle finger?" "yes, only once. I don't want to go to the Devil, I'm scared!" (boy did i feel bad). "well, Maddy, just don't do it anymore and you'll be fine" "But what if i forget...waaaahhhhh" So, i retract the whole conversation to tell her that the Devil isn't going to get her, i was just teasing and to stop freaking out. Of course, this whole episode spanned across about 15 minutes, with Jordan in the background asking "if the devil lives in the ground, why hasn't anybody found him when they are digging holes to build houses? " ARGH - i finally say "we aren't talking about the devil anymore!"

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bed Time

I really should be happy that Sarah and Samantha know they have to go potty....and really, i am, just not after i have tucked them in for the 10th time. A big part of me thought maybe they were playing me and was tempted to not take them, but what if they aren't? So, i take them out of bed, over the gate at their door and yes, they both peed and are now sleeping peacefully - finally....Now it's time for some much needed ice cream!